

New accreditations granted in December 2010

Current events

On 20th December 2010, the Accreditation Board of Serbia made decisions on accreditation for three testing laboratories, one calibration laboratory, one inspection body and one certification body certifying management systems, and … a series of decisio...

Closing conference of the EU funded project


On Friday, 17th December 2010, a closing conference of the EU funded project entitled “Technical Assistance to Quality Infrastructure Institutions in Serbia“ was held at the premises of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce. The Project is focused on foster...

Annual meetings of assessors

Current events

Each year the Accreditation Board of Serbia organises the following annual meetings of assessors: - 8.12.2010 first half of the day - a meeting of lead assessors and candidates for lead assessors for testing, calibration and medical laboratories; - ...

Seminar for accredited CABs – 25th January

Sava Centre Seminar

On Tuesday, 25th January 2011, a one-day seminar for accredited bodies will take place at the International Congress Centre (Sava Centre, Hall 1, ground floor, Building A), 9 Milentija Popovića Street, New Belgrade, and it will start at 10 a.m. The Ac...

Selection of sectoral committee members


Due to great interest and wish of the ATS to involve all interested parties in the establishment of sectoral committees for the purpose of accreditation decision-making, the Accreditation Board of Serbia hereby invites interested candidates to apply. ...

IPA 2008 Proficiency Testing (PT Schemes)


In the period between 8th November and 12th November 2010 a Post-PT training was delivered as the final training for laboratories and national accreditation bodies within the regional IPA 2008 Proficiency Testing Project. The training took place in Ble...

20th meeting of EA Laboratory Committee

International activities

20th meeting of the EA Laboratory Committee (EA LC) was held in the period between 15th and 16th September 2010 in Sofia, Bulgaria. One of the key meeting topics was EA category 4 document that was issued in June 2010, EA-4/18, Guidance on the level a...

Technical discussion in the field of security

Current events

On Tuesday 16th November, Dejan Krnjaić PhD, Director of Accreditation Board of Serbia, participated in the technical discussion entitled National Standards Providing Protection against Hazards in the Field of Agriculture. It was organised by... the S...

Drafting technical regulations


In the period between 16th and 19th November 2010, seminars on the subject of Quality Infrastructure - Drafting Technical Regulations were held as part of the EU funded Project entitled “Technical Assistance to Quality Infrastructure Institutions in th...

IPA 2008 HOT 8 Training


In the period between 2nd and 4th November 2010, a seminar entitled “Accreditation of ILC and PT providers” was held in Pau, France, as part of the Quality Infrastructure Regional Project - IPA 2008. Patric Reposeur was the lecturer at the seminar org...

New lift regulations and requirements


In the period between 9th and 12th November 2010, seminars were held as part of the EU funded Project entitled “Technical Assistance to Quality Infrastructure Institutions in the Republic of Serbia” and in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and R...

World Quality Day and European Quality Week 2010

Current events

In the period between 9th and 10th November the 19th event dedicated to the World Quality Day and European Quality Week 2010 was held in Sava Centre. It was sponsored by the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of the Republic of Serbia, ... a...

Meeting of the CPC committee

International activities

The Communications and Publications Committee (CPC) of the European Co-operation for Accreditation (EA) held its 18th meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on 6th and 7th October 2010, and was organised by the BELAC. In its current version, EA-1/08 Multi and ...

New accreditations granted in November 2010

Current events

On 5th November 2010, the Accreditation Board of Serbia made decisions on accreditation for five testing laboratories, one calibration laboratory, three inspection bodies, one decision on accreditation withdrawal, and a series of decisions on accredita...

Training for assessors in organic production


In the period between 18th and 20th October 2010 a training was delivered on the subject of “SRPS EN 45011 (ISO/IEC Guide 65): general requirements for bodies certifying products in the field of organic production” and as part of the project “Developme...

Study tour – visit to ESYD


In the period between 11th and 15th October 2010 a study tour was organised within the EU funded Project entitled “Technical Assistance to Quality Infrastructure Institutions in the Republic of Serbia”. On this occasion the ATS representatives visited ...

New sub-law on food hygiene requirements


A Sub-law on General and Special Food Hygiene Requirements in All Phases of Production, Processing and Marketing was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 72 of 08.10.2010. It shall enter into force on the eighth day following...

IPA 2008 - HOT 1 Training


In the period between 29th September and 1st October 2010 the seminar entitled “Accreditation of Calibration Laboratories and Uncertainty of Measurement” was held as part of the regional Quality Infrastructure Project - IPA 2008, Pau, France. The semi...

Law on Accreditation was adopted

Laws and regulations

On 12th October the Serbian Parliament adopted the Law on Accreditation. Adoption of the Law on Accreditation as the last one in the field of quality infrastructure in the Republic of Serbia heralded the fulfilment of one of the necessary prerequisit...