About Us

ATS accredits conformity assessment bodies for a wide range of competencies, which is why the possession of appropriate competence of assessors and technical experts in the assessment process, and then of experts engaged in the decision-making process on accreditation, is of crucial importance for ensuring trust in the accreditation process carried out by ATS.
In accordance with the Law on Accreditation (''Official Gazette of the RS'', No. 73/2010 and 47/2021), ATS keeps a public register of externally engaged assessors and technical experts engaged in the accreditation decision-making process, respecting the principles of the regulations which regulate the protection of personal data. You can view the register of engaged assessors and technical experts by type of accreditation and experts engaged for the accreditation decision-making process HERE.
If you believe that you have the competencies that would recommend you for employment by ATS, and you are interested in participating in the assessments of conformity assessment bodies such as:
technical expert (a professional who possesses the necessary knowledge and experience in the specific field of conformity assessment in accordance with the scope of accreditation being assessed and who performs technical expertise for a specific assessment, i.e. provides technical advice to the assessment team, but does not assess independently of the assessor),
technical assessor (an assessor who has the necessary knowledge and experience and conducts the assessment of the technical competence of the conformity assessment body for a specific type and field of accreditation) or
lead assessor (assessor who has the necessary knowledge and experience and conducts the assessment of elements of the management system for a certain type of accreditation and has overall responsibility for the assessment management),
we invite you to fill out the Application for assessors and technical experts, which you can download HERE and submit it to the address: atsocenjivaci@ats.rs.
In order to obtain the status of a lead/technical assessor, it is necessary to complete the appropriate training organized by ATS for a certain type of accreditation.
To obtain the status of a technical expert, the primary requirement is technical expertise, which can be used in several types of accreditation.
Before submitting the application, please familiarize yourself with the criteria for the selection of assessors and technical experts. Apart from the requirements regarding the possession of specific technical knowledge depending on the type of accreditation and the field of conformity assessment, you can view the general competence criteria HERE:
Persons participating in the accreditation process are provided with training and exchange of views in a professional environment on a permanent basis.
Join our team!
Call for assessors and technical experts are available: for 2020 and 2019.