

Training in the field of accreditation of certification bodies for certification of product in the field of organic production was held


During the last week, a two-day training in the field of accreditation of certification bodies for the certification of products in the field of organic production was held on the premises of ATS. The training was primarily related to the new regulation EU 848/2018 and accompanying acts. The training was given by colleagues Vera Apostolović, a graduate in agricultural engineering, and Olga Kešelj Milovanović, a graduate in agricultural engineering, employees of ATS. Among those present were colleagues from the Accreditation Body of Montenegro.

You can view it in detail HERE

Training for the accredutation in the field of GHG verifiers was held


During this week, ATS representatives participated in a two-day training organized by TAIEX TRATOLOW in the pleasant surroundings of the Central Point Hotel in Belgrade. The lecturers were experts from the EU: Lucy Candlin (TRATOLOW), Zdenko Franić (HAA), and Monique Voogt (TRATOLOW).

The training was related to verifying and accreditation verifiers of reports on greenhouse gas emissions.

The goal of this training was to support representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Serbia; The Environmental Protection Agency of Serbia and the Accreditation Body of Serbia in implementing the European Union Emissions Trading System (ETS). The training provided practical insight into conducting ETS accreditation and understanding the specific requirements of ETS verifiers. Also, the goal is to provide ATS with the necessary professional knowledge to decide which documents will form the basis for their evaluation by ETS verifiers and shape the accreditation process in Serbia.

You can view it in detail HERE

Train-the-Trainer on accreditation of Proficiency Testing Providers (PTP) against ISO/IEC 17043:2023

GeneralNoticesSeminarsInternational activities

Fifty-five participants attended two Train-the-Trainer sessions organized by the EA Laboratory Committee on Accreditation of Proficiency Testing Providers (PTP) against ISO/IEC 17043:2023 on February 13th and 15th in Brussels, Belgium.

The training session has been organized to address the revision of ISO/IEC 17043 (published in May 2023) and to understand the changes introduced in the standard, 55 participants were present. The revision was necessary primarily to align the standard with the new structure of ISO 17000 series standards, with requirements divided into the following main topics: General, Structural, and Resource Requirements; Process Requirements; and Management System Requirements. Additionally, some changes have been included in a few requirements. 

You can view it in detail HERE

Informative seminar was held for accredited medical laboratories


During yesterday's day, representatives of ATS (the Accreditation Body of Serbia) conducted an online informative seminar dedicated to medical laboratories with a special focus on the most important changes introduced by the new edition of the standard SRPS EN ISO 15189:2023.

On this occasion, the representatives of medical laboratories accredited according to the standard SRPS EN ISO 15189:2014 and laboratories conducting examinations of human samples, accredited according to the standard SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2017, were presented with the requirements of the new edition of the standard SRPS EN ISO 15189:2023.

You can view it in detail HERE

The training for transitioning to the new edition of the SRPS EN ISO 15189:2023 standard was held


Yesterday at the premises of the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS), the training focused on the requirements for quality and competence in medical laboratories.

The training was conducted by colleagues from ATS, including Ljiljana Markićević, Assistant Director for Development and Quality, and Jelena Stojanović, Head of the Laboratory Accreditation Department, who are lead assessors for medical laboratories. The new edition of the standard was introduced to lead and technical assessors, technical experts for medical laboratories, accreditation decision-makers, and ATS employees.

You can view it in detail HERE

EA MAC Newcomer Training for EA Evaluators

GeneralNoticesSeminarsInternational activities

EA conducted a training session in December 2023 for potential evaluators. 

The training took place in Paris, hosted by the EA Secretariat from December 12 to 14. Newcomer Training sessions serve as a crucial initiative to cultivate the necessary skills among potential evaluators.

Facilitated by accomplished trainers, including Maria Papatzikou, Chair of the Multilateral Agreement Council (ESYD, Greece), Sergio Guzzi, Laboratory Committee Chair (ACCREDIA, Italy), Nicole Meuree Vanlaethem, Team Leader (BELAC, Belgium), and Ankica Barisic, Manager of Peer Evaluations & Evaluators (EA Secretariat), the training aimed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of peer-evaluation processes, requirements, and their practical application. It also sought insights into the underlying processes supporting the EA peer evaluation system.

You can view it in HERE

A training was held according to the standard ISO 20387:2018 Biotechnology – Biobanking – General requirements for biobanking


During the previous week, in the Palace of Serbia with the support of TAIEX, training was held for the accreditation according to the standard ISO 20387:2018, Biotechnology – Biobanking – General requirements for biobanking.

A training was carried out by the experts from Italy, Ms. Elena Bravo (UNI) and Laura Lo Guzzo (ACCREDIA).

Following world trends in the field of accreditation, ATS recognized the importance of introducing this scheme in its work system and enabled experts, assessors, and employees of ATS to acquire the necessary knowledge in this innovative field.

Biobanking plays a key role in the improvement of medicine and disease research, as well as in the preservation of valuable biological material from the entire spectrum of the living world, ecosystems, and biocenosis. The increasing need for reliable samples and compliance with strict ethical and legal norms requires the timely implementation of activities in the development of this important field.

You can view it in detail HERE

Training for reference materials was held - ISO 17034:2016

GeneralSeminarsCurrent eventsCooperation

During the previous week, in the Palace of Serbia, with the help of TAIEX training was held for the accreditation of reference materials according to the standard ISO 17034:2016.

The training was held by colleagues from Greece: Dr. Ioannis Sitaras, director of the department for the accreditation laboratories in the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD), and Dr. Harris Alexopoulos, manager of the National Laboratory for Food Testing.

You can view it in detail HERE

Training TAIEX Expert Mission on ISO/IEC 17029 and ISO/IEC 14065 was successfully held for ATS employees

GeneralSeminarsCurrent eventsCooperation

The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) is pleased to announce the successful completion of the training "TAIEX Expert Mission on ISO/IEC 17029 and ISO/IEC 14065" , which was held from September 4 to 8, 2023, at the premises of the Ministry of Economy, Resavska 24 in Belgrade.

The training was attended by representatives of ATS, as well as technical experts in the field of greenhouse gases (GHG). Experts in front of TAIEX gave the training: Casper van Erp and Harmke Immink, who are widely recognized experts in the field of accreditation in the context of ISO/IEC 17029 and ISO/IEC 14065 standards.

You can view it in detail HERE

Webinar:"How to become a notified body for construction products?"

NoticesSeminarsCurrent eventsLaws and regulations

A webinar entitled: "How to become a notified body for construction products?"

The webinar on "How to become a notified body for construction products?" organized by the Institute for Standardization of Serbia was held on December 7, 2020. The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) also participated as a lecturer.

For more information please visit: HERE►
Sincerely, your ATS

Mr. Khersontsev’s ATS visit

SeminarsInternational activities

After the seminar that took place in the Kombank Hall on September 11 was finished, Accreditation Body of Serbia was pleased to welcome the honored guest, Mr. Alexey Khersontsev, the Head of Federal Service for Accreditation (RusAccreditation) of the Russian Federation the following day.

Mr. Khersontsev’s visit is of paramount importance in terms of bilateral relations with the Russian Federation. Signing the  Memorandum of Understanding between our two countries is the irrefutable proof of it.

A traditional annual seminar for accredited CABs held on September 11, 2019

SeminarsInternational activities

Accreditation Body of Serbia organized a seminar for accredited conformity assessment bodies in the monumental Kombank hall (former Dom Sindikata hall) on the Nikola Pasic Square in Belgrade. The seminar, called "Accreditation and Conformity Assessment - we are the world", was attended by approximately 600 guests, representatives of accredited conformity assessment bodies, relevant ministries and other renowned institutions of the University and faculties in our country.

Annual seminar for members of ATS Sectoral Committeess


On December 21 and 22, 2017, ATS held an annual seminar with accreditation decision makers, members of ATS Sectoral Committees. At the seminar, decision makers were introduced to the work of ATS in the current year, with a special emphasis on ATS peer ...

Workshop on the novelties introduced by ISO/IEC 17021-1


In the period between 15th and 17th March 2016, the Accreditation Body of Serbia hosted, as part of the activities of the regional PTB project “Promotion of regional cooperation in South East Europe in the field of quality infrastructure”, a workshop d...

Exchange of PPE conformity assessment experiences


ATS representatives and a German Expert (Karl-Heinz Noetel) attended a meeting at the ATS premises in the period between 3rd and 4th December 2015 as part of the activities of the PTB bilateral project entitled “Support of the Quality Infrastructure in...

Accreditation of flexible scope training delivered


The training entitled “Flexible scope (testing and medical labs)” was organised in Athens in the period between 29th and 30th September 2015 as part of the activities of the PTB project “Promotion of regional cooperation in South East Europe in the fie...

GHG gas emission training delivered


The training entitled TAIEX- ECRAN: “Regional Training on the EU Emissions Trading System with focus on the monitoring, reporting, verification and accreditation (MRVA) Regulation” was held in Zagreb, Croatia, in the period between 10th and 11th Septem...

Seminars for accredited TLs and CLs held


On 25th June 2013, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) organised a seminar for accredited calibration laboratories, while seminars for accredited testing laboratories were organised on 26th and 27th June 2013 with the aim of introducing the said lab...

ATS seminars held


On 18.06.2013, the first seminar was held to herald a series of seminars that the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) organised in order to introduce conformity assessment bodies to the changes to its management system documents in order to increase the...

CAB seminars


In 2013, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) adopted and/or changed a series of management system documents in order to enhance the efficiency of the accreditation procedure it performs. Given that a certain number of the EA and IAF documents change...

ENFSI 2012 - Quality Assurance in the Forensic Process


A seminar on the subject of accreditation of the forensic process was held in 2012 as part of the three year project entitled “Sustainable Quality within European Forensic Science (SQWEFS)”, whereas the said seminar was organised by the European Networ...

LA annual seminar


Every year in December the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) organises the annual meeting for lead assessors (LA) for testing/calibration laboratories, inspection and certification bodies. This year’s meeting was opened by Dejan Krnjaić PhD, ATS Direc...