

Quality Week 2012

Current events

Quality Week 2012, which is traditionally organised by the Fund for Quality Culture and Excellence (FQCE), and Quality & Excellence Magazine, was held for the 21st time in the period between 29th February and 2nd March when scientists, businessmen,...

Available PT schemes recommended by the EA LC


The EA LC WG ILC in Testing is using existing PT schemes in order to evaluate the comparability of laboratories throughout EA membership. If the evaluation of the PT data demonstrates comparability of results from laboratories accredited by different ...

ATS became an IAF member

International activities

The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) became a member of the International Accreditation Forum - IAF (Accreditation Body Member category), on 29th December 2011 by means of the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed between the ATS and IAF.

Seventh issue of the ATS e-bulletin


We are presenting the seventh issue of the ATS e-bulletin in electronic format. Please send us your suggestions on the topics you wish to read about to our email address at

ATS Director Appointment Vacancy


The Management Board of the Accreditation Body of Serbia made, at its fifth meeting of 6th December 2011, the Decision on Advertising a Public Vacancy for the Appointment of the Director of the Accreditation Body of Serbia. With this end in view, the ...

ILAC-G25:01/2012 document adopted


We hereby inform you that ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) recently adopted the following guideline on accreditation of PT providers in accordance with ISO/IEC 17043:2010: ILAC-G25:01/2012 Accreditation of Proficiency Testing P...

New accreditations granted in December 2011

Current events

In December 2011, the Accreditation Body of Serbia made decisions on accreditation for four testing laboratories, one calibration laboratory, four inspection bodies, and a series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, renewal, extension, reduction,...

New Statute of the Accreditation Body of Serbia

Current events

At its meetings of 4th and 24th November 2011 the Management Board of the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) discussed the proposed Statute that is the paramount document of the Accreditation Body of Serbia. After the Management Board has adopted the S...

LA annual seminar


Every year in December the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) organises the annual meeting for lead assessors (LA) for testing/calibration laboratories, inspection and certification bodies. This year’s meeting was opened by Dejan Krnjaić PhD, ATS Direc...

New issues of documents of 1st December 2011

Document Amendments

New versions of the following documents entered into force on the 1st December 2011: Differences between SRPS ISO/IEC 17021:2007 and SRPS ISO/ IEC 17021:2011 ATS-UP19 and Guidelines for Describing the Accreditation Scopes of Certification Bodies Certif...

New accreditations granted in November 2011

Current events

In November 2011, the Accreditation Body of Serbia made decisions on accreditation for three testing laboratories and one calibration laboratory, and a series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, renewal, extension, reduction, suspension and with...

CB Training in GLOBALG.A.P. standard and GI

Current events

First training for interested certification bodies was organised as part of the Swiss-Serbian TCP 2009-2012 in the field of establishment of GLOBALG.A.P. standard and GI (geographical indications). The training was held at the Palace of Serbia in Belgr...