Seminar in Kraljevo – requirements of machinery safety regulations
SeminarsIn the period between 1st and 2nd June 2010 a two-day seminar was held in Kraljevo within the EU funded Project entitled “Technical Assistance to Quality Infrastructure Institutions in the Republic of Serbia” and in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development. It was ...
part of the awareness raising campaign promoting the importance of accreditation and conformity assessment. The seminar topic related to the quality infrastructure –requirements of machinery safety regulations.
The seminar was hels at the regional SCC office in Kraljevo that invited the representatives of organisations and institutions interested in the said topic: Metalac posuđe a.d., Mašinski fakultet Kraljevo (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), UNIPROMET d.o.o., POMAK d.o.o Kraljevo, ALM d.o.o. TEHNOMAG d.o.o., Koncern Fabrika vagona Kraljevo a.d. (Wagon Factory Kraljevo), Sigmaprevent d.o.o. Vrnjačka Banja, Radijator inžinjering d.o.o., Kompanija Sloboda a.d., Ministarstvo trgovine i usluga (Ministry of Trade and Services), trade inspection sector (departments in Kraljevo and Novi Pazar).
The lecturers were as follows: Vitomir Fister, EC Legal Expert in charge of accreditation and conformity assessment issues as part of the national CARDS 2006 programme, Dušan Vučković, Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, Milica Jovčić, Accreditation Board of Serbia, Mirko Đapić, expert in new approach – machinery safety, Janez Furlan, Slovenian expert in new approach – machinery safety, and Željko Lalić, Ministry of Economy and Regional Development.
On the first day of the Kraljevo seminar the following topics were presented: EU legal framework of quality infrastructure – free movement of goods and protection of public interest; new legal framework-new business concept in Serbia; role of the Accreditation Board of Serbia in the field of conformity assessment; EU legal framework governing machinery safety; review of good practices in the field of machinery safety - experiences from Slovenia, and Machinery Safety Regulation.
On the second day that was designed as a round-table discussion the participants discussed the issues relating to the new approach field and the problem relating to the fulfillment of requirements of this new legal framework governing machinery safety. During the Kraljevo round-table discussion the problems and dilemmas encountered by organisations in their every day work were discussed. Representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development and of the Accreditation Board of Serbia, as well as the experts in the new approach (machinery safety) took part in this extremely active and constructive discussion.