ATS to host EA MAC
Announcement of eventsThe Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) will host 39 meeting of the Multilateral Agreement Committee (MAC) of the European Co-operation for accreditation (EA). The meeting of the Committee will be held from 24 April to 26 April 2018 at the Hyatt Hotel in Belgrade. Očekuje se da će prolećno zasedanje Komiteta za multilateralne sporazume EA okupiti preko 60 predstavnika punopravnih članova EA odnosno nacionalnih akreditacionih tela iz Evrope, kao i predstavnike EA Advisory Board (Saveta EA) i Evropske Komisije. It is expected that the spring session of the EA Multilateral Agreement Committee will gather more than 60 representatives of full EA members that is national accreditation bodies from Europe, as well as representatives of the EA Advisory Board (EA Council) and the European Commission.
The EA Multilateral Agreement Committee is responsible for effective and impartial implementation and monitoring of peer evaluation process. It is the Committee’s responsibility to, among other, make decisions on the statyus of the signatories to EA Multilateral Agreements (EA MLA) with respect to the performed peer evaluations and also to inform the EA General Assembly about all the decisions made.
The Multilateral Agreement Committee deals with making policies and operative procedures within EA framework as regards peer evaluation as well as with the management, selection and training of the future peer evaluators.
We expect that at the next meeting of EA MAC an analysis of the report by EA evaluation team on the peer re-evaluation held in the period from 25 to 29 September 2017 and 02 to 06 October 2017 (only for certification of persons) will be performed. Likewise, we expect the analysis of the EA MAC work group Report to be carried out. It is our belief that a decision on maintenance of the status of signatory to the Multilateral Agreement between ATS and EA for the fields of testing laboratories, calibration laboratories, medical laboratories, certification bodies for certification of products, certification bodies for certification of management systems and certification bodies for certification of persons will be made by majority of votes.