Accreditation Council appointed
Current events On the 7th meeting of the Management Board (MB) of the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) held on 10th April 2017, MB appointed a new Accreditation Council, technical advisory body of ATS, which gives expert opinion regarding the development of accreditation system and takes initiative for extension of the scope of activities of ATS as well as takes stands on other technical issues. Miloš Jelić, PhD, President of the Expert Council of the Foundation for Quality Culture and Excellence was appointed the Chair of the Council.
MB identified interested parties for accreditation and established criteria for election of members of the Accreditation Council and ATS invited identified stakeholders to submit their suggestions for election and appointment of Accreditation Council within a defined deadline. Upon the termination of deadline for application, MB discussed the received applications hence selected and appointed Chair and members of the Accreditation Council:
1. Miloš Jelić, PhD, Chair of the Accreditation Council,
2. Zoran Bakić, Member of the Council, Head of Group for appointing conformity assessment bodies, surveillance and recognition of foreign certificates, Department for Quality Infrastructure and product safety in the market, Ministry of Economy
3. Prof. Vladimir Popović, PhD, Member of the Council, professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Belgrade,
4. Prof. Ivanka Popović, PhD, Member of the Council, Vice-Rector for International and Inter-University Relations, the University of Belgrade,
5. Ljubomir Dimitrov, PhD, Member of the Council, Director of MD PROJEKT INSTITUT DOO Niš,
6. Prof. Snežana Janković, PhD, Member of the Council, Director of Institute for the Application of Science in Agriculture,
7. Prof. Zoran Punoševac, PhD, Member of the Council, Chair of Association for Quality and Standardization-Serbia
8. Prof. Ivan Gržetić, PhD, Member of the Council, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, the University of Belgrade,
9. Prof. Miroslav Ćirković, PhD, Member of the Council, director of the Scientific Veterinary Institute, Novi Sad,
10. Jelena Pantelić Babić, PhD, Member of the Council, senior advisor in Section for electrical quantities, Sector for Development of Metrology, Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals,
11. Ana Mišović, PhD, Member of the Council, Acting Director of the Public Health Institute, Čačak.
The mandate of the Accreditation Council members is four years with the possibility of re-election.
The Accreditation Council shall: provide professional opinion with regard to the development of accreditation system in the Republic of Serbia, take initiatives for extension of the scope of the ATS, i.e. establish new accreditation schemes, provide opinion as regards the adoption of Accreditation Rules at the request of MB, provide opinions with regard to the implementation of accreditation standard requirements in certain areas, suggest establishment of standing or ad hoc technical committees as technical advisory bodies for certain areas of accreditation and identifies parties that should participate in them, adopt rules and criteria for appointment and performance of technical committees as well as provide professional opinion with regard to other technical issues upon MB request.