
25th Quality Week

Current events

This is the year of the 25th anniversary of the Quality Week that aims at exchange of opinions and ideas contributing to good practice and quality culture development in our country and the region.

Quality Week, which is being held in the period between 9th and 11th March 2016, is traditionally organised by the Fund for Quality Culture and Excellence (FQCE) in cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce (PKS) as the conference host, whereas it is sponsored by the Ministry of Economy as a respective ministry for the Quality Infrastructure (QI). This time the new edition of ISO 9001 (ISO 9001:2015) attracted the greatest attention which would be confirmed through an in-depth analysis of all of its segments given that the new revision of the basic quality management standard opened a large number of issues and challenges in terms of future implementation thereof and auditing of certification bodies’s clients. Further development of this standard and its structure will, without doubt, be closely directed to matrix and approaches used as a basis for well-known business excellence models.

Members of the Quality Week Board - Miloš Jelić PhD, Prof. Slavko Arsovski PhD, Vladimir Simić, and Dušan Stokić MSc

Vladimir Trajković, President of the Fund for Quality Culture and Excellence (FQCE), gave the first opening address, while Dušan Stokić MSc, Head of the PKS Environmental Protection Centre, addressed the present delegates on behalf of the host and emphasised how important it was to have students of the Faculty of Organisational Sciences (Department for Quality Management and Standardisation) present as it was necessary to spread the word about quality.

Vladimir Trajković, FQCE President

Dušan Stokić MSc, PKS

Opening address was also given by colleagues from Montenegro and Croatia and by Prof. Zoran Punoševac PhD, President of the Association for Quality and Standardization of Serbia, when they sent a key message related to the need to upgrade the quality infrastructure in the region.

Anita Zado Bešker                                                            Prof. Zoran Punoševac PhD

Miodrag Perović MSc, Director of the Institute for Standardization of Montenegro, and Prof. Zdravko Krivokapić PhD, Quality Centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Podgorica

Prof. Aco Janićijević PhD, ATS Acting Director, addressed, for the first time, the delegates on behalf of the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) when he stressed the significance of cooperation between all QI elements and upgrade of knowledge which was, without doubt, confirmed by the presence of a large number of experts in this field.

Prof. Aco Janićijević PhD, ATS Acting Director

Tatjana Bojanić, Acting Director of the Institute for Standardization of Serbia (ISS), pointed out that preconditions for full membership of ISS in international organisations in this field had been met and that it was necessary to establish a closer cooperation with the Serbian economy and competent authorities.

Tatjana Bojanić, ISS Acting Director

The conference was officially opened by Jovan Petrović, Acting Assistant Minister, Ministry of Economy (ME), when he pointed out the importance of the conference in the light of 2016 as the year of entrepreneurship, and stressed that quality and safety or level of competitiveness of an economy could not be improved without application of standards. The fact that the conference was attended by the representatives of successful businesses only confirmed that we were heading in the right direction.

Jovan Petrović, Acting Assistant Minister, ME

Certificates in acknowledgement of successful cooperation during these 25 years were awarded after the opening addresses to quality associations (Centar za kvalitet Fakulteta inženjerskih nauka Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, Asocijacija za kvalitet i standardizaciju Srbije, Centar za kvalitet Mašinskog fakulteta iz Podgorice and Hrvatsko društvo menadžera kvalitete) and to Vladimir Simić, registered IRCA auditor with a long-term experience at national and international levels.

Vladimir Trajković, President of the Fund for Quality Culture and Excellence, announced, that Quality Oscar Competition applications should be sent to the organiser (FQCE) by 31st May 2016. However, the prize award takes place every November on the occasion of the World Quality Day.

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