
International Convention on Quality - JUSK ICQ 2015


The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) and Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals (DMDM) are preparing, as part of the International Convention on Quality (JUSK ICQ 2015 – “Quality for European and world integrations“), the seventh Special Conference “National accreditation system – state of the art” and the sixth Special Conference “National Metrology System – state of art”. The said conferences will be held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, Kraljice Marije 16, CENT hall (first flour), on Wednesday, 3rd June 2015, from 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

The conferences will tackle the following topics:

DMDM (09.00 – 10.30 a.m.)

- Calibration of photometers measuring ambient ozone concentrations at the Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals, Jelena Bebić and Nikola Škundrić, DMDM  

- Novelties as regards testing of humidity measuring instruments for cereal grain and oil crop seeds at the Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals, Dragan Nikolić and Luka Gažević, DMDM

- Institute of Nuclear Sciences “Vinča“ – first designated institute (DI) within the national metrology system in the Republic of Serbia, Olivera Ciraj-Bjelac

- New method for verification of measuring systems for LPG volume measurement, Qmax = 400 L/min by means of master measurement instruments at the Nedeljković Designated Body, PROVO, Saša Kocić and Milenko Arsić, Nedeljković Designated Body doo Provo

- Metrology Group for within the metrology system of the Republic of Serbia, Vladan Lapčević, METER&CONTROL doo Zemun Designated Body, Serbia

ATS (11.00 – 12.30)

- Opinions and interpretations – requirements of SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2006, Milica Jovčić MSc, ATS

- In-house calibration, Aleksandra Nikolić, ATS

- Accreditation in the field of portable pressure vessels, Marija Smiljanić, ATS

- Accreditation in the field of inspection of measuring instruments – water meters, Marijana Bačevac, ATS

- Risk management in medical laboratories – requirement of SRPS EN ISO 15189, Ljubinka Gligić PhD, ATS

- Extension of the ATS scope of activities in 2015 – development of new schemes (certification bodies providing certification of information safety management system (SRPS ISO/IEC 27001) and quality management system as per SRPS EN ISO 13485), Radivoje Nikoličić, ATS.

We hereby invite you to take part in these extremely important and educational conferences. Conference registration fee is 6,000 RSD and it shall be paid into the following JUSK account No: 105-1039-16, AIK Banka Niš, Filijala Beograd with the following reference “ICQ 2015 Registration Fee“.

We hope that you will be able to attend these conferences during which you will be able to learn things that will contribute to your efficient business operations.

All delegates that pay the conference registration fee and submit the Registration Form by 28th May 2015 will, in addition to the accompanying materials, be given a Certificate of Attendance.

Please email the Registration Form to:

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