
New accreditations granted in November 2014

Current events

In November 2014, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) made decisions on accreditation granting for four testing laboratories and one inspection body, and a series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, renewal, extension, reduction, withdrawal, etc.

Accreditation was granted to the following testing laboratories:

- MP BIO d.o.o., MP Lab, Laboratorija za ispitivanje, Beograd

- Preduzeće za inženjering i promet Interklima D.O.O., Laboratorija za ispitivanje materijala, Vrnjačka Banja

- M GasLab d.o.o., Laboratorija za ispitivanje, Subotica

- TermoTest d.o.o., Beograd

and to the following inspection body:

- JP SRBIJAGAS, RJ Merenje i regulacija, Laboratorija za kontrolisanje, Novi Sad.

Decisions to withdraw accreditation were made in case of the following testing laboratories:

- WELDGAS DOO, Laboratorija za ispitivanje, Zrenjanin

- Privredno društvo za proizvodnju i promet pekarskih proizvoda „Žitopek“ A.D. Niš, Služba za upravljanje kvalitetom, RJ Laboratorija

and inspection body:

- LOTRIČ Laboratorija za metrologiju DOO Kragujevac.