New accreditations granted in November 2014
Current eventsIn November 2014, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) made decisions on accreditation granting for four testing laboratories and one inspection body, and a series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, renewal, extension, reduction, withdrawal, etc.
Accreditation was granted to the following testing laboratories:
- MP BIO d.o.o., MP Lab, Laboratorija za ispitivanje, Beograd
- Preduzeće za inženjering i promet Interklima D.O.O., Laboratorija za ispitivanje materijala, Vrnjačka Banja
- M GasLab d.o.o., Laboratorija za ispitivanje, Subotica
- TermoTest d.o.o., Beograd
and to the following inspection body:
- JP SRBIJAGAS, RJ Merenje i regulacija, Laboratorija za kontrolisanje, Novi Sad.
Decisions to withdraw accreditation were made in case of the following testing laboratories:
- WELDGAS DOO, Laboratorija za ispitivanje, Zrenjanin
- Privredno društvo za proizvodnju i promet pekarskih proizvoda „Žitopek“ A.D. Niš, Služba za upravljanje kvalitetom, RJ Laboratorija
and inspection body:
- LOTRIČ Laboratorija za metrologiju DOO Kragujevac.