New EA certification scheme (EFISC)
International activitiesThe Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) hereby informs you that EFISC (European Feed Ingredients Safety Certification) asked the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) to review their conformity assessment scheme (product certification) for the purpose of having it endorsed by EA AB members.
EFISC was requested by EA to change their approach and base their scheme rather on ISO 17021 and ISO/TS 22003, but not as first requested (product certification). Following this EA evaluated the documentation submitted by EFISC and consequently acceptd the scheme under ISO/IEC 17021 and ISO/TS 22003.
Pursuant to the EA procedure, a ballot was held on the proposed endorsement of the EFISC scheme by EA, whereas the ballot outcome was positive when EA members confirmed the endorsement of the EFISC scheme by EA.