International Convention on Quality - JUSK ICQ 2013
JUSKThe Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) and Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals (DMDM) are organising, as part of the International convention on quality – JUSK ICQ 2013 - (, the fifth Special Conference “National accreditation system – current prospects and future developments” and the fourth Special Conference “National Metrology System – current prospects and future developments”. The said conferences will be held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, Kraljice Marije 16, CeNT hall (first flour), on Wednesday, 5th June 2013, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The conferences will cover the following topics:
- 15 years of operation of the Accreditation Body of Serbia, Jasna Stojanović, ATS;
- Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals as a future PT provider, B. Laštro, S. Zelenika, T. Cincar-Vujović, S. Simić, DMDM;
- New ATS documents for the accreditation of PT providers as per SRPS ISO/IEC 17043, Ljubinka Gligić, ATS;
- Reduction in the uncertainty of measurement when calibrating standard microphone, and by measuring the depth of frontal cavity by means of a stereo microscope, M. Aleksić, DMDM;
- Designated bodies for testing of measuring instruments-two-year experience, S. Matić , D. Zečević , Ž. Lalić, Ministry o f Finance and Economy;
- Non-automatic weighing instruments – new solutions by means of transposition of the EU NAWI Directive, V. Radojević-Milošević , D. Kovačević, DMDM;
- Report on compliance with specifications – information about the elements of the test reports/certificates when a laboratory has to issue a declaration of compliance with specifications (based on ILAC-G8:03/2009), Milica Jovčić, ATS;
- Accreditation of Sampling Activities - Lj. Markićević, ATS;
- Determination of reference ethanol dilutions with water, J. Bebić, N. Škundrić, DMDM;
- Accreditation of laboratories for the flexible scope of accreditation, Bratislav Milošević, ATS;
- Guide for the application of SRPS ISO/IEC 17025 when assessing and accrediting laboratories performing sensory testing, Jelena Stojanović, ATS.
We hereby invite you to attend these important and educational conferences. The registration fee amounts to 5,000.00 RSD and it shall be paid into the following JUSK account: 105-1039-16, AIK Banka Niš, Filijala Beograd with the reference “ICQ 2013 registration fee“. The registration form shall be emailed to:
We hope that you will accept our invitation and that the conferences will meet your expectations.