
New Accreditations Granted in April 2013

Current events

In April 2013, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) made decisions on accreditation for three testing laboratories, one calibration laboratory, six inspection bodies, and one certification body providing certification of products, and a series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, renewal, extension, reduction, etc.

Accreditation was granted to the following testing laboratories:

- INOVACIONI CENTAR ELEKTROTEHNIČKOG FAKULTETA U BEOGRADU DOO, Laboratorija za ispitivanje bez razaranja, Belgrade;

- KVARK DOO Kragujevac, Laboratorija za ispitivanje;

- Agencija za lekove i medicinska sredstva Srbije, Nacionalna kontrolna laboratorija, Belgrade;

calibration laboratory:

- Republički hidrometeorološki zavod Srbije, Sektor za meteorološki osmatrački sistem, Meteorološka laboratorija;

inspection bodies:

- Preduzeće za proizvodnju, promet i usluge „Oil Comerc Company“ d.o.o, Kraljevo;

- CITI doo Beograd;

- ED Centar DOO Kragujevac, ED Elektromorava Požarevac, Služba za kontrolu merila električne energije, Požarevac;


- MC LABOR doo Beograd;

- M-ELEKTRO DOO, Novi Beograd;

and to a certification body providing certification of products:

- PED INSPECT doo, Beograd.

A decision on accreditation withdrawal was made in case of the following testing laboratory:

- IHTM DRUŠTVO ZA TEHNOLOŠKI RAZVOJ AD, Laboratorija za ispitivanje i razvoj.