
LA annual seminar


Every year in December the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) organises the annual meeting for lead assessors (LA) for testing/calibration laboratories, inspection and certification bodies. This year’s meeting was opened by Dejan Krnjaić PhD, ATS Director, on Wednesday 21st December.

On that occasion assessors were presented with the key activities of the ATS that were implemented in 2011, whereas the most important one related to successful completion of the peer assessment performed by the EA assessment team. In 2011 the following activities were performed: IAF membership activities (submission of the application) and activities relating to the signing of the associate membership agreement with the EA. During his opening address, the ATS Director gave a full account of attainment of 2011 objectives and announced 2012 objectives.

Second part of the meeting was dedicated to the way in which assessors implement the ATS documents and to their uniform interpretation as regards resolution of all dilemmas that occur when rules, procedures and other ATS documents are used. Special emphasis was placed on the reporting of the lead assessors and coordination of the operation of lead and technical assessors, i.e. technical experts. Some of problematic situations were analysed in order to resolve them in an adequate way. Special emphasis was put on good assessment practice and ways of overcoming possible oversights made during assessments.

The inevitable topic included specific requirements of the accreditation reference documents that were discussed with the aim of taking a uniform stand when interpreting and assessing thereof.