Importance of international organisations Eurachem and Eurolab
SeminarsThe Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) organised on 14th June a one-day seminar intended for the accredited testing laboratories in the field of analytical testing at MPs Club in Belgrade in honour of celebrating 9th June, International Accreditation Day, and 28th June, Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia.
Present representatives of accredited laboratories in the field of analytical testing had a chance to get introduced to the operation of international organisations, Eurachem and Eurolab, by attending lectures given by the renowned lecturers in this field.
Eurachem ( is a network of organisations in Europe having the objective of establishing a system for the international traceability of chemical measurements and the promotion of good quality practices.
Eurolab ( is the European Federation of National Associations of Measurement, Testing and Analytical Laboratories.
During her opening address, ATS MB Chair, Snježana Pupavac, emphasised how important it was to participate in the work of the said international organisations in order to upgrade the entire quality infrastructure system, especially the work of accredited laboratories. In addition to proving equivalence of the accreditation system of the Republic of Serbia to those of the EU through a successful completion of the forthcoming peer evaluation, our CABs are faced with the integration into international professional associations so that they could have at all times updated guidelines and guides available for various laboratory activities in order to upgrade the quality of laboratory testing activities”, said the MB Chair.
Dejan Krnjaić PhD, ATS Director, gave a short lecture on the subject of “Novelties in the Work of the ATS, Accreditation in the World, Europe and Serbia 2010 – 2011”.
Jean-Marc Aublant, Eurolab Secretary presented the Eurolab (organisational structure, mode of operation, cooperation with ILAC, EA and other interested parties, establishment of offices in other countries,…) and the Routine Laboratory Activities Guide and Eurolab guide and alternative approaches to the estimate of uncertainty of measurement.
Kyriacos Tsimillis PhD, Director of the National Accreditation Body of Cyprus (CYS-CYSAB) presented the Eurachem (Aims and structure - analytical chemistry in Europe and why do we need the National Eurachem Committee?, and Why do we need measurements and how reliable they can be?
Jean-Marc Aublant, Kyriacos Tsimillis, Snježana Pupavac and Dejan Krnjaić
Kyriacos Tsimillis
Jean-Marc Aublant
Snježana Pupavac