Conference entitled “National Accreditation System – Current Prospects and Future Developments”
JUSKThe Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) participated in the 38th Annual JUSK Conference “ On the Road to Integrated Systems” (, third special conference entitled “National Accreditation System - Current Prospects and Future Developments" that was held on Wednesday, 8th June 2011 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade.
During the first part of the conference the lectures were given by Dejan Krnjaić PhD, ATS Director, on the subject of “Accreditation System in the World, Europe and the Republic of Serbia”, and Biljana Tomić on the subject of “New Legal Framework – Reference to Accreditation in Technical Regulations”.
The second part of the conference was in the form of a workshop where topics, issues and dilemmas raised by accredited CABs were discussed (interpretation of the requirements of reference accreditation standards (SRPS ISO/IEC 17025, SRPS ISO/IEC 17020, SRPS EN 45011, SRPS ISO/IEC 17021), mandatory EA, ILAC and IAF guides and requirements of the ATS rules that need additional clarification, stands, etc.).
The Rules for the Participation in Inter-laboratory Comparisons and Proficiency Testing Schemes, ATS-PA02, were presented to the participants, and dilemmas related to their application were discussed. It was emphasised that laboratories are obliged to participate in comparisons in accordance with their plan and programme, while the method of defining sub-disciplines was defined, as well as the meaning of the terms “level and frequency” of participation in inter-laboratory comparisons and proficiency testing schemes. Laboratories were, once again, advised to use the document entitled EA 4/18 - Guidance on the level and frequency of proficiency testing participation that contains useful examples for defining sub-disciplines in different fields of testing. Additionally, the participants were given explanation of how to apply the List of Testing/Calibration/Inspection/Certification Codes/Key Words, ATS-UP02, and a procedure applied by the ATS when extending the scope of its activities (e.g. accreditation as per CEN/TS 15675) in accordance with the procedure that was put in place.
There was a discussion later on during the workshop about certain requirements of mandatory documents for the accreditation of testing laboratories, inspection and certification bodies. After a very fruitful discussion with the participants it was possible to provide an answer in terms of the application of the requirement pertaining to checking of the testing equipment, and application of the document entitled ILAC-G24 Guidelines for the determination of calibration intervals of measuring instruments. The said document describes the optimal calibration intervals of equipment, range of estimate of uncertainty of measurement, presentation of test results if it is not within the laboratory measurement range, and presentation of opinions and interpretations as part of the assessment report containing the accreditation symbol.
An issue pertaining to accreditation maintenance in accordance with the regulations/ordinances that were replaced by the new regulations (machinery safety, lifts) attracted a huge interest, and adequacy of the CAB type as per certain modules prescribed by those directives that were transposed into the national legislation. A special emphasis was on the obligation defined in the Rules of Accreditation requiring that certification or inspection bodies must, prior to the submission of the application for accreditation, have at least one certification or inspection realised for each scheme of accreditation or field of inspection they applied for.
Natalija Jovičić Zarić MSc, Bratislav Milošević PhD, Ljiljana Markićević and Ljubica Živanić gave lectures on behalf of the ATS in the second part of the conference.
Dejan Krnjaić PhD, ATS Director
Biljana Tomić, ATS
Snježana Pupavac, ATS MB Chair
Natalija Jovičić Zarić MSc, ATS Deputy Director
The conference gathered a large number of accredited CAB representatives.