
A new proficiency testing (PT schemes) project starting soon


Seven testing programmes, i.e. schemes, will be implemented in the first half of 2010 as part of the IPA 2008 Proficiency Testing Project. Beneficiaries of the project are the Western Balkans countries, while the Project Implementation Agency is the Laboratory of Metrology and Quality, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, ...

accredited inter-laboratory testing provider.

After a detailed analysis of interested laboratories and available fields of testing/calibration, a decision was made to implement, as part of the Project, seven PT schemes for the following fields: calibration (temperature) and testing (environmental noise, specific waste water parameters, air quality, pasteurised milk testing, cement and asphalt testing).

Participants in these PT schemes from the Republic of Serbia are as follows:

- Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals, Belgrade
- AD Zaštita na radu i zaštita životne sredine (joint-stock company, Occupational and Environmental Safety), Laboratory for Noise, Vibrations and Pressure Vessels
- Institute of Public Health of Serbia “Dr Milan Jovanović Batut“, Belgrade
- Republic Hydrometeorological Institute of Serbia, Belgrade
- Jugoinspekt-Beograd AD (joint-stock company), Topčider Institute, Product Quality and Health Safety Testing Laboratory, Belgrade
- IMS Institute, Material Testing Laboratory, Belgrade, and
- Faculty of Civil Engineering, Pavement Construction Laboratory, Belgrade.

The Accreditation Board of Serbia takes active participation in this Project and will, within its area of competence, monitor and evaluate the results of those laboratories participating in these PT schemes, whereas it will take into consideration the obligation of laboratories to participate in appropriate PT schemes (requirements laid down in the document entitled ATS-PA02 Policy on Participation in Inter-laboratory Comparisons and Proficiency Testing Schemes).

The induction training for the selected laboratories and representatives of accreditation bodies will be delivered in Ljubljana in the period between 15 and 19th February 2010.