
Training of technical assessors


In the period between 9th and 13th November a training session for technical assessors assessing testing laboratories and inspection bodies is being held at the ATS premises which is in accordance with the ATS procedure entitled “Training of Assessors, Briefing Seminar for ATS Technical Experts and Training of ATS Employees”. The opening presentation on the subject of “Standards and Legislation in the Field of Accreditation and Conformity Assessment, AB Agreements and Arrangements” was given by Dejan Krnjaić, PhD, ATS Director, wherewith he introduced the candidates to the regulations governing accreditation and conformity assessment, Single European Market and conformity assessment.

On the first day of training Natalija Jovičić Zarić, MSc, ATS Deputy Director and seminar coordinator, presented to participants ISO/IEC 17011:2007 Conformity Assessment - General Requirements for Accreditation Bodies Accrediting Conformity Assessment Bodies, and rules and accreditation criteria.

During the five day training session for technical assessors assessing testing laboratories and inspection bodies candidates will be introduced with the content and practical application of SRPS ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO/IEC 17020, planning, organisation, and performance of assessments in accordance with the requirements of relevant standards, conformity identification, classification and reporting, assessment aspects and knowledge of rules and procedures used in the process of assessment.

The training consists of lectures, exercises and interactive group work (assessment simulation exercises, discussion, identification of conformities and reporting thereon), tracking candidate performance and final test. During training participants were presented with ATS accreditation-related documents, procedures, criteria, methods and assessment techniques.

The lecturers are as follows: Dejan Krnjaic, PhD, ATS Director, Vida Živković, Director of the Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals, Natalija Jovičić Zarić, MSc, ATS Deputy Director, Ljubica Živanic, Head of Certification Department and Ljiljana Markićević, Head of Laboratory Department, while the training was attended by trainees from the Accreditation Board of Macedonia (IARM) and Montenegro (ATCG).

During the training, participants will be able to obtain plenty of information, interpretation of standards requirements, organization-related advice and instructions, as well as the assessment procedure.

Dejan Krnjaić, PhD 

Natalija Jovičić Zarić, MSc  

Lecture atmosphere