Joint Meeting of the Management Board and Accreditation Council
Document Amendments17th meeting of the Management Board was held on 12th February 2009. Prof. dr Slobodan Petrović presided at the meeting. The Management Board adopted, inter alia, the Rules of Cross-frontier Accreditation of the Accreditation Board of Serbia and Annual Work Plan and Programme of the Accreditation Board of Serbia for 2009.
After the session of the Management Board a joint consultative meeting of the Management Board and Accreditation Council (professional advisory body of the Accreditation Board of Serbia in matters of accreditation) was held.
The Management Board appointed the members of the Accreditation Council at its 16th meeting and the structure is as follows: Slavica Popović, Head of the Quality Centre within the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, as the Council President, and the Council members are as follows: Veljlko Malbaša, PhD, Head of the Department for Energetics, Electronics and Telecommunications of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, Vojislav Božanić, PhD, docent at the Faculty of Organisational Sciences, Quality Management Department, Predrag Popović, PhD, Head of the Certification Bureau of the Vinča Institute, and prof. dr Milan Baltić, professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
After the Council President and members have been introduced, the first meeting was held. At this first meeting the Rules of Procedure of the Accreditation Council were adopted and the Council proposed to the Management Board to form the following working bodies for certain scopes and fields of accreditation: working body for testing and calibration laboratories; working body for medical laboratories; working body for certification bodies, and working body for inspection bodies.
The ATS Director informed the Management Board and the Accreditation Council that the Accreditation Board of Serbia submitted on that day an application for the EA MLA for testing laboratories, calibration laboratories and inspection bodies, with complete documentation accompanying the application.
ATS Director, members of the Management Board and Accreditation Council
Members of the Management Board and Accreditation Council