
Invitation to select and appoint new members of the Accreditation Council


With the aim of forming the Accreditation Council and in accordance with the decision of the Management Board, the ATS Director, Dr Dejan Krnjiać, forwarded a letter to the following parties interested in competences and functioning of the ATS:

University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad, University of Niš, University of Kragujevac, Association of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Consumer Protection Association of Vojvodina, Serbian Consumer Association, National Consumer Organisation of Serbia and Belgrade Consumer Protection Movement, which reads as follows:

Pursuant to the Law on Accreditation, the bodies of the Accreditation Board of Serbia  (hereinafter referred to as: ATS) are as follows: Management Board,  Accreditation Council, Director and Supervisory Board.  

Pursuant to Article 16 of the ATS Statute Accreditation Council is a professional advisory body of the ATS in the filed of accreditation. Renowned experts and scientists from fields relevant to the performance of activities falling under the ATS competences are chosen to become the members of the Council as representatives of parties interested in accreditation.

The Council shall: provide professional opinion as regards the development of accreditation system in the Republic of Serbia, take initiatives to extend the scope of the Accreditation Board, i.e. to establish new accreditation schemes, provide opinion as regards the adoption of Accreditation Rules at the request of the Management Board, provide opinions as regards the implementation of accreditation standard requirements in certain areas, take stands on other technical issues as per the request of the Management Board, take initiatives for the establishment of permanent or temporary technical committees as advisory bodies for certain areas of accreditation.

At the 11th session of the Management Board identified the following parties interested in the competences and functioning of the ATS: representatives of the Universities of Serbia, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Consumer Protection Associations and Association of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia. The Management Board also defined the criteria to be met by the proposed members of the Council:
- they shall be renowned experts and technically competent in the areas important for the performance of the activities falling within the ATS competences;
- they shall hold the positions enabling them to influence the decision making processes and execution of decisions related to the quality system, accreditation, and assessment of conformity with regulations;
-  that their CVs and results achieved in the previous careers will be in conformance with the areas important for the performance of the activities falling within the ATS competences, and
- they have previously participated, whether directly or indirectly, in the work of the ATS or cooperated with the ATS.

Since the Management Board identified your institution as a party interested in accreditation, and in line with the Council member selection criteria, please submit to the Accreditation Board of Serbia your proposals as regards selection and appointment of the Accreditation Council members three weeks after the receipt of this invitation. This will enable the Management Board to review, after the invitation had been closed, the submitted applications, and select and appoint the Chairperson and four members of the Accreditation Council the mandate of which shall last for four years with the possibility of reappointment.

advisers, attended the conference as the representatives of the ATS.