
Athens, 25th – 27th February 2008

International activities

 27th February 2008   The following meetings were held in Athens in the period between 25th and 27th February and were organised by the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD): 15th meeting of the Certification Committee (EA CC), 16th meeting of the Inspection Committee (EA IC) of the European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA), as well as the workshop on the subject of “Role of Accreditation in the Process of Notification”. 

”New Approach” and new European legislation were reviewed at the workshop by means of adequate introductory lectures, with special emphasis on the part relating to the role of accreditation in the process of notification of conformity assessment bodies.

The present participants showed great interest in the workshop which was a good opportunity to exchange ideas as regards the future role and importance of accreditation as a legally underpinned area in the European legislation.

A basic start point for the discussion was the Resolution adopted by the European Parliament on 21st February relating to the new package of EU regulations, in particular to a regulation governing requirements for accreditation and market surveillance as opposed to placing of products on the market. 

EA CC, EAIC meetings and the workshop were attended by the following representatives of the Accreditation Board of Serbia: Dr Dejan Krnjaić, Director of ATS, Vida Živković, MSc, ATS representative on the IC and Radmila Guntrum, ATS representative on the CC.