Amendments of the form List of findings (ATS-PR12-O03)
NoticesCurrent eventsDocument AmendmentsAnnouncement of eventsNotification to all accredited conformity assessment bodies and conformity assessment bodies that are in the process of accreditation on amendments of the List of findings (ATS-PR12-O03)
The Accreditation Body of Serbia informs accredited CABs and CABs that are in the process of accreditation that the form List of findings (ATS-PR12-O03) has been amended in such a way that the CAB is now explicitly required to submit, in addition to analysis of cause, also analysis of extent of identified nonconformities/concerns which is a requirement of the standard SRPS ISO/IEC 17011:2018 which provides general requirements for accreditation bodies that accredit CABs.
Together with root cause analysis, the analysis of extent of non-conformities/ concerns should enable an overview of the range of identified non-conformity/ concern and its impact on the implementation of conformity assessment activities, with the aim of clearly defining appropriate actions which will eliminate identified non-conformity/ concern at each place where they are identified, eliminate the cause of the non-conformity/ concern and prevent recurrence of non-conformity. The amended form now explicitly requires a deadline for resolving concerns.
In addition to the findings categorized as nonconformities/concerns, the form List of findings provides information on findings related to activities or documents of the CAB to be considered as a place for improvement, thus enabling the assessed CABs without delays to receive other, relevant information that has so far been communicated only in the framework of the Assessment Report.
We tried to use the change of the form for additional clarifications regarding the handling of the List of findings in order to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in working with it.
The amended form List of findings (ATS-PR12-O03) is available on our website, section ‘’Documents“–‘’Application-Forms“ (
The date of the beginning of the application of the amended form was determined on March 28th, 2022.
The Accreditation body of Serbia will accompany the introduction of the amended form List of findings (ATS-PR12-O03) with appropriate training intended for all accredited CABs and CABs that are in the process of accreditation to be implemented on March 25th, 2022 remotely via Cisco Webex Meetings app.
The invitation on the training will be sent to all accredited CABs and CABs that are in the process of accreditation, and presentations from the training will be available from March 25th, 2022 on our site in the ‘’Document’’ – ‘’Informative material’’. (
Yours ATS