
New accreditations in March 2018


In March 2018, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) made decisions on accreditation granting and a series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, renewal, extension, reduction, suspension, withdrawal etc. 

Accreditation was withdrawn to the following CABs:

1. Institut za nuklearne nauke „Vinča“, Centar za motore i vozila, Beograd, Mihajla Petrovića Alasa 12-14, file ID: 2-01-438, accreditation number: 01-375                                  

at CAB's own request 

2. Javno komunalno preduzeće „PUT“ Novi Sad, Služba laboratorija, Novi Sad, Rumenačka 150a, file ID: 2-01-292, accreditation number: 01-243                                                                  

at CAB's own request 

3. JKP VODOVOD ZAJEČAR, Tehnički sektor, Laboratorija za kontrolisanje vodomera, Zaječar, Bulevar dr Zorana Đinđića 5, file ID: 2-03-187, accreditation number: 06-140, type C

4. J ZAŠTITA NA RADU I ZAŠTITA ŽIVOTNE SREDINE BEOGRAD DOO BEOGRAD, Laboratorija za buku, vibracije i sudove pod pritiskom, Beograd, Deskaševa 7, file ID: 2-01-141, accreditation number: 01-092                                                                                  

at CAB's own request 

For more information on accredited organizations please follow this link Register of accredited conformity assessment bodies.