
New Accreditations Granted in May and June 2013

Current events

In May and June 2013, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) made decisions on accreditation for two testing laboratories, four inspection bodies, one certification body providing certification of persons, and a series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, renewal, extension, reduction, etc.

Accreditation was granted to the following testing laboratories:

- MPP “JEDINSTVO“ AD SEVOJNO, Laboratorija za IBR Sevojno;

- Univerzitet u Nišu, Fakultet zaštite na radu u Nišu, Centar za tehnička ispitivanja, Niš;

inspection bodies:

- Fabrika mernih transformatora Zaječar A.D., Zaječar;

- Javno komunalno preduzeće Vodovod i kanalizacija PO Pančevo, Sektor vodovodna mreža, Pančevo;

- Javno preduzeće „Elektromreža Srbije“ Beograd, Direkcija za prenos električne energije, Pogon za tehničku podršku prenosnom sistemu, Sektor za merenje električne energije;

- Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću za proizvodnju, promet robe na veliko i malo eksport-import i usluge TRIM d.o.o., Jagodina;

and to the certification body providing certification of persons:

- Zavod za zavarivanje A.D. ZAVOD-CERTPers, Beograd

A decision on accreditation withdrawal was made in case of the following inspection bodies:



- TAHOFILM DOO, Petrovac.