
DMDM became a EURACHEM member

Current events

The information that the Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals became a EURACHEM member as a contact organisation through which other national organisations (Serbian Chemical Society, Serbian Biochemical Society, etc.) can get involved in EURACHEM activities was announced at the EURAMET TC-MC meeting during the address that was given by the Chair of EURACHEM (network of organisations in Europe having the objective of establishing a system for international traceability of chemical measurements), Mr Bertil Magnusson, at the plenary session. The said meeting was held in Braunschweig in Germany in the period between 4th and 8th February 2013.

EURACHEM provides a focus for analytical chemistry and quality related issues in Europe. One of its key roles is to ensure a framework for harmonised and easier coordination of national EURACHEM activities.

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Detailed information about the EURACHEM activities can be found at