13th MB meeting and 4th joint MB & AC meeting
Current eventsThe fourth joint meeting of the ATS Management Board (MB) and Accreditation Council (AC) and the thirteenth MB meeting were held at the premises of the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) on 20th February 2013.
The new ATS Related Bodies Relationship Analysis was reviewed at the joint MB & AC meeting. Namely, ATS is obliged, pursuant to clause 4.3.7 of SRPS ISO/IEC 17011:2007, to ensure that activities of its related bodies do not affect confidentiality, objectivity and impartiality of granted accreditations. Therefore, ATS has a task to analyse and document, together with interested parties, its relationship with the related bodies in order to determine any conflict of interest that may either arise from ATS activities or from related bodies’ activities.
Pursuant to its Statute, ATS made a proposal to the AC and MB to extend the scope of ATS activities by establishing new schemes of accreditation in the field of forensics as per SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2006 on the basis of the determined interested of laboratories in this scope of accreditation; and to extend the scope of activities to include a scheme in the field of personal protective equipment (PPE) in case of testing laboratories/inspection bodies/certification bodies as defined in the adopted PPE Regulation the application of which commences on 1st July 2013 when first applications are expected to be made.
MB and AC supported and approved the adoption of the new ATS document – Rules of Cross-frontier Accreditation. This document lays down the policy applied by ATS when accrediting conformity assessment bodies located out-with the territory of the Republic of Serbia and bodies from the Republic of Serbia performing conformity key assessment activities abroad, and the cooperation policy applied when cooperating with other accreditation bodies on the occasion of cross-frontier accreditation.
MB adopted at its thirteenth meeting most of the financial documents such as: Report on the Capital Assets and Small Inventory, Report on the ATS Claims, Liabilities and Capital, Report of the Committee for the Write-off and Removal from Inventory of Capital Assets and Small Inventory, and 2012 Financial Report of the Accreditation Body of Serbia. MB made, at the proposal of AC, decisions to extend the scope of ATS activities as proposed at the joint meeting.
Joint AC & MB meeting