
Training in accreditation of notification bodies


The training in accreditation of notification bodies in the field of construction products (training and witnessing) was delivered in Athens in the period between 8th and 10th October 2012 and was organised by PTB and Greek Accreditation Body (E.SY.D.).

The training was delivered at the E.SY.D. premises. In addition to two representatives from the Accreditation Body of Serbia the training was attended by two representatives from the Institute for Accreditation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BATA).

A three-day training included the revision of the documents related to the accreditation of notification bodies in the field of construction products (first two days). On the third day delegates had an opportunity to attend an on-site assessment.

Construction Products Directive No. 89/106/EEC aims at, just like other directive, removal of technical barriers to trade in the field of construction products in order to facilitate their free movement on the market.

Milica Jovčić and Aleksandra Kitanić attended the training on behalf of the Accreditation Body of Serbia.