New accreditations granted in August 2012
Current eventsIn August 2012, the Accreditation Body of Serbia made decisions on accreditation granting for two calibration laboratories and one inspection body, and a series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, renewal, extension, withdrawal, transfer and reduction.
Accreditation was granted to the following calibration laboratories:
- SWAT d.o.o. (limited liability company), Laboratorija za etaloniranje;
- Akcionarsko društvo “VAGAR“, za proizvodnju i servisiranje usluga, Novi Sad,
and to the following inspection body:
- KONVEKS GASNA I VODO TEHNIKA D.O.O. (limited liability company), Belgrade.
A decision on accreditation withdrawal was made in case of the following testing laboratory:
- DOO za tehničko ispitivanje, analizu i inženjering usluge MININSPEKT, Laboratorija za IBR, Niš
and in case of the following calibration laboratory:
- DOO za tehničko ispitivanje, analizu i inženjering usluge MININSPEKT, Metrološka laboratorija, Niš.
Accreditation was transferred from accredited testing laboratories holding the following accreditation numbers: 01-060, 01-070, 01-101 to the new legal entity NTC NIS-Naftagas doo Novi Sad, Direkcija laboratorija, Novi Sad, Narodnog fronta 12 (accreditation number 01-372).