Amendments to the Procedure on Decision-making and Accreditation Granting
Document AmendmentsPursuant to cl. 4.5.2 of the Rules of Accreditation, ATS-PA01, and Procedure ATS-PR15, Decision-making and Granting Accreditation, decisions on accreditation shall be made by the Director of Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) on the basis of a proposal made by the Accreditation Committee.
The Accreditation Committee shall review the information contained in the file to be decided on, determine whether it is complete, and evaluate the clarity, comprehensiveness and sufficiency of information together with a recommendation made by the assessment team. Proposals as regards decisions on accreditation shall be made following the review by the Accreditation Committee.
When making decisions on accreditation the ATS Director can ask for additional information or explanations which can also include an additional assessment aiming at the collection of information needed for the finalisation of the decision-making process.
The decision-making process is described in detail in the procedure entitled ATS-PR15, Decision-making and Granting Accreditation.