
Eighth revision of the Accreditation Rules - July 2012

Document Amendments

The novelty in case of the 8th revision of the Accreditation Rules relates to clause 4.4.3 Elimination of Nonconformities requiring that the deadline to eliminate the cause of nonconformities shall be changed as of 11th July 2012 for all future assessments. Pursuant to the adopted Rules, when nonconformities are identified during an assessment, a CAB shall, within 10 working days, submit a proposal of corrective actions to eliminate the cause of identified nonconformities including the analysis of the cause of nonconformities.

If the assessment team leader and assessment team members do not find the proposed corrective actions suitable, the CAB shall define, within 5 working days, a new proposal of corrective actions.

A deadline for the elimination of nonconformities shall not be longer than four months from the date when the proposed corrective actions to eliminate nonconformities were adopted (in case of initial assessments). In all other cases a deadline for the elimination of nonconformities shall not be longer than two months.