
Meeting of the EA-LC/WG ILC’s calibration

International activities

16th meeting of the EA-LC/WG ILC’s calibration was held in Berlin in the period between 21st and 23rd September 2011. The meeting was attended by the representatives of calibration laboratories of national accreditation bodies. The meeting was organised by DakkS, Accreditation Body of Germany. Andre Barel chaired the meeting.

EA LC meeting conclusions were presented, as well as the status of the current PT activities and regional inter-laboratory comparisons performed in this year (accelometers, roughness, torque, power, sound pressure level meters). There was only one offer presented by PT providers in the field of roughness. The Czech National Metrology Institute showed the intention to organise a PT in the field electrical engineering, AC Power Energy. The laboratory of the National Metrology Institute of Slovenia agreed to organise in 2012 the key comparison in the field of temperature (platinum resistance thermometers).

The discussion about the number of laboratories in the calibration fields also took place for which PT activities were proposed in order to report laboratories to be nominated by accreditation bodies.

The five-year plan of regional inter-laboratory comparisons was revised, while proposed inter-laboratory comparisons and PT activities were adopted. It was agreed that the WG should send five-year plans to accreditation bodies and potential PT providers, and to adhere to the deadlines defined in the plans so that the laboratories that applied for participation therein would not miss any PT/ILC planned for one accreditation cycle.

The tasks of accreditation bodies is to sum up the number of accredited laboratories for each field and subfield of calibration, and the number of laboratories to be nominated to participate in PT activities for the given fields of calibration. The information will be forwarded to PT providers. Accreditation bodies should also propose, in case of any interested parties, laboratories of national metrology institutes that would apply as PT providers (they do not need to be accredited PT providers).

EA-LC/WG ILC’s calibration meeting was attended by Aleksandra Nikolić.