
New accreditations granted in February 2011

Current events

In February 2011, the Accreditation Board of Serbia made decisions on accreditation for three testing laboratories, one calibration laboratory, one inspection body, and a series of decisions on accreditation maintenance and renewal, extension and…

reduction of the scope of accreditation, one decision on accreditation transfer to a legal successor, and two decisions on accreditation suspension at request.

Accreditation was granted to the following testing laboratories:

-Univerzitet u Kragujevcu (University of Kragujevac), Mašinski fakultet Kraljevo (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kraljevo), Centar za toplotnu tehniku i zaštitu životne sredine, Kraljevo;

-AD Zavod za geotehniku, Laboratorija za geomehanička ispitivanja (Laboratory for geomechanical testing), Subotica;

-W- line d.o.o., Laboratorija W-line (W-line laboratory), Beograd;

calibration laboratory:

-Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću (limited liability company) TERMOENERGETIK PLUS, Laboratorija (laboratory), Beograd;

inspection body:

-VAGA LEGAL d.o.o. (limited liability company), Beograd.

Decisions on accreditation suspension at the request of the following testing laboratories were made:

-SU Lab Quality D.O.O, Subotica

-HEMOVET DOO, Novi Sad, Hemovet-Laboratorija, Bački Petrovac.