New accreditations in March 2010
Current eventsOn 24th March 2010, the Accreditation Board of Serbia made decisions on accreditation for two testing laboratories, two calibration laboratories and a series of decisions were made on accreditation maintenance, extension and reduction of the scope of accreditation, one decision on accreditation withdrawal, and two decisions on accreditation suspension.
Accreditation was granted to the following testing laboratories:
- “ODŽAČAR” AD (joint-stock company), Sombor, and
- Inovacioni centar mašinskog fakulteta u Beogradu D.O.O. (Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, limited liability company), Centar za kvalitet, Laboratorija za procesnu tehniku, energetsku efikasnost i zaštitu životne sredine
and the following calibration laboratories
- JAT Tehnika d.o.o. za održavanje i opravku vazduhoplova (limited liability company, for maintenance and repair of aircrafts), Biro Laboratorija za etaloniranje (calibration laboratory), and
- Društvo za inženjering, trgovinu tehničkom i sigurnosnom opremom, proizvodnju i metrologiju MERNOKOR d.o.o. (limited liability company), Calibration laboratory, Belgrade.
A decision on accreditation withdrawal was made in case of the following testing laboratory
- Medical Systems d.o.o. (limited liability company), Sektor laboratorije, Belgrade.
Furthermore, two decisions on accreditation suspension were made in case of the following testing laboratory
- Visoka poljoprivredno-prehrambena škola strukovnih studija, Prokuplje, Laboratorija za ispitivanje (Agriculture and Food Technology College), Prokuplje, Testing laboratory
and in case of the following inspection body
- Privredno društvo za promet i usluge Auto Centar „MARKOP“ d.o.o. (limited liability company), Požarevac.