New accreditations in July 2009
Current eventsOn 9th July the Accreditation Board of Serbia made decisions on accreditation for five testing laboratories, two calibration laboratories and two inspection bodies. A series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, extension to scope, and on accreditation scope reduction were made.
Accreditations were granted to the following testing laboratories:
- Institute for the Quality of Working and Living Environment “1st May” AD (joint-stock company), Testing laboratory for building materials, Niš;
- “TOP GAS” D.O.O. (limited-liability company) Testing laboratory, Belgrade;
- Company for Design, Consulting and Services GEOPUT d.o.o. Testing laboratory for geological and building materials, Belgrade;
- “Kirilo Savić” Institute, Testing laboratory for railway vehicles, Belgrade;
- VAR DOO TAVNIK (limited-liability company), Testing laboratory;
to calibration laboratories:
- AD Livnica Kikinda (Foundry, joint-stock company), Organisation “Quality”, WU “Metrological Laboratory”;
- VAGAR-ZAS DOO (limited-liability company), Calibration laboratory, Novi Sad, and
to inspection bodies:
- VAR DOO TAVNIK (limited-liability company);
- “KONTROL INSPEKT” d.o.o. Beograd (limited-liability company).
The following organisations renewed their accreditation:
- JUGOINSPEKT Beograd AD (joint-stock company) for product certification activities, and
- DOO “Termoinženjering” (limited-liability company), Testing and calibration laboratory, Pančevo, for testing activities.