Granting accreditations for 19 organisations
Current events27th May 2008 - On Monday, 26th April, at the premises of the Accreditation Board of Serbia presentation of 19 certificates and notices was held for newly appointed organisations, and to organisations in which surveillance and accreditation renewal had been carried out.
The Director of the Accreditation Board of Serbia, Dr Dejan Krnjaić, congratulated the present participants on the certificates they had been presented with, and wished them every success of their future careers.
“The Accreditation Board of Serbia wishes to become a full member of the European Cooperation for Accreditation as soon as possible which is a huge step towards signing the Multilateral Agreement whereby it would be possible for the reports and certificates issued by our accredited organisations to be recognised throughout Europe”, highlighted Dr Krnjaić.
”Thus by promoting accreditation in Serbia, and our accredited organisations in Europe, it would be possible to have a better flow of products and services, access to international market, reliability and quality of our products and, furthermore, this is of extreme importance to our economy”, said the Director of the ATS during his introductory speech.
“The importance of accreditation is becoming ever more and more recognised and the ATS is proud thereof”, emphasised Dr Krnjaić, and a recent visit of the Chairman of the European Cooperation for Accreditation, Mr Lorenzo Thione, to the ATS in Serbia contributed thereto. Mr Thione participated in the one-day seminar “Accreditation in Quality and Food Safety System” at the 75th International Agriculture Fair in Novi Sad, and on that occasion he gave a lecture on the subject of “Quality in Agriculture & Food Sector – current situation and prospects”.
I would like to congratulate once again to all newly accredited organisations on their first accreditation which enabled them to join a large family of accredited organisations, and to those organisations that are successful in maintaining their accreditation since all of you together can recognise the importance of accreditation and do your best to set an example of good practice and establishment of a stable quality system here in Serbia”, concluded Dr Krnjaić
Organisations that were presented with certificates (initial accreditation and maintenance of accreditation):
1. PD Centar za vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo d.o.o. (PD Centre for Viticulture and Oenology, Limited Liability Company), Testing Laboratory, Niš, (initial assessment)
2. GP „MOSTOGRADNjA“ AD (joint-stock company), Bureau for Quality Control, Testing Laboratory, Belgrade, (renewal of accreditation status)
3. INSTITUT „GOŠA“ DOO (GOŠA INSTITUTE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY), Institute for Testing and Control, Smederevska Palanka, (renewal of accreditation)
4. Zavod za zavarivanje a.d. (Welding Institute, joint-stock company), Laboratory, Belgrade, (renewal of accreditation)
5. Zastava automobili AD (joint-stock company), PC Central Laboratory, Metrology Laboratory, Kragujevac, (initial assessment)
6. AD Zaštita na radu i zaštita životne sredine „Beograd“ (Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection “Belgrade”, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY), Laboratory for the Protection of Working and Living Environment, Belgrade, (surveillance assessment)
7. A.D. Zaštita na radu i zaštita životne sredine „Beograd“,(Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection “Belgrade”, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY), Laboratory for Noise, Vibrations and Pressure Vessels, Belgrade, (surveillance assessment)
8. SGS Beograd DOO (LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY), Agri-Lab Novi Sad, (surveillance assessment)
9. Preduzeće prehrambene industrije „Žitomlin“ AD (Food Industry Company, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY), Laboratory Service, Belgrade (surveillance assessment)
10. ZAŠTITA“ D.O.O. (LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY), Testing Laboratory, Sremska Mitrovica, (initial assessment)
11. Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Food Testing Laboratory, Novi Sad, (surveillance assessment)
12. DOO (LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY) Agrolab Subotica, Seed Testing Laboratory, Subotica, (initial assessment)
13. Holding preduzeće Institut za opštu i fizičku hemiju AD (Holding Company -Institute for General and Physical Chemistry JOINT-STOCK COMPANY), Laboratory for Testing, Research and Development, Belgrade, (initial assessment)
14. MINEL-FAD AD (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY), Testing Laboratory, Belgrade, (initial assessment)
15. N.Z. ELEKTRONIKA, Čačak, (initial assessment)
16. D.O.O. Vojvodinainspekt Company, Novi Sad (initial assessment)
Organisations that were issued only a Notice on Establishment of Accreditation Scope (no certificates), surveillance assessments
1. Scientific Veterinary Institute of Serbia, Belgrade
2. DOO Preduzeće za pružanje laboratorijskih usluga ALFA LAB (LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY for Providing Laboratory Services ALFA LAB), Aleksandrovac
3. Specialised Veterinary Institute “Subotica”, Laboratory, Subotica
Biljana Tomić, Vida Živković, Dejan Krnjaić and Slobodan Petrović
Dr Branislav Nedeljković, Director of the PC Central Laboratory Kragujevac (Zastava automobili), receiving the certificate
Present representatives of accredited organisations at the official certificate presentation in Podgorica stateroom of the Palace of Serbia
Together we can attain quality