
New accreditations granted in October 2011

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In October 2011, the Accreditation Body of Serbia made decisions on accreditation for two testing laboratories, six inspection bodies, and one medical laboratory, and a series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, renewal, extension, and reduction.

Accreditation was granted to the following testing laboratories:

-Institute of Public Health Sombor 
-METRO ENERGY DOO (limited liability company), INŽENJERING, Laboratorija za ispitivanje, Veternik

and to the following inspection bodies:

-AMSS, Centar za motorna vozila, Belgrade
-ALPHA CONTROL DOO (limited liability company), Novi Sad
-SHOLLEX d.o.o. (limited liability company), Belgrade
-AD VAGAR za proizvodnju i servisiranje vaga Novi Sad
-Preduzeće za proizvodnju, trgovinu i usluge „NEDELjKOVIĆ“, Provo
-METRON DOO (limited liability company), Novi Sad.

and to the following medical laboratory

-Dragan Milenković pr, Poliklinika za oblast interne medicine, laboratorije za medicinsku biohemiju, laboratorije za mikrobiologiju i laboratorije za patohistologiju Human, Niš.