
Round-table Discussion entitled “Accreditation in Quality and Food Safety System”

Announcement of events

8th May 2008 - Accreditation Board of Serbia in cooperation with Novi Sad Fair is organising, as a part of the jubilee 75th international Agriculture Fair in Novi Sad, on Wednesday, 14th May 2008, a round-table discussion entitled “Accreditation in Quality and Food Safety System”.



Numerous accredited organisations in the sector of agriculture & food industry, and other parties interested in quality and accreditation system in the Republic of Serbia will have an opportunity to be introduced to the new regulations governing accreditation and food safety, systems and standards pertaining to this field (HACCP, ISO 22000), importance of accreditation of food laboratories, as well as to the current situation and the future of quality in the sector of food industry in the countries within the European Union.

Delegation of the European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA), which is led by the President of the EA, Mr Lorenzo Thione, will visit Serbia and give lectures at this round-table discussion. The lectures will include the following topics: “Quality in Agriculture & Food Sector – Current Situation and Prospects”, “Accreditation of Food Laboratories in the UK  and EU”, “Control and Certification Systems for Provenance Products”, “Accreditation Striving to Protect Public Interests, General Health, Consumer Safety and Protection”, “Accreditation – Transition of Responsibilities in Food Production” and “Accreditation Board of Serbia – Our Experience and Future Activities in the Field of Food Quality and Safety”.
This gathering will, apart from presenting and promoting accreditation as an element of quality infrastructure in our country, enable awareness raising relating to its importance as a measure to establish trust on the market of products and services and thus increasing competition and facilitates the access to new markets for our economy. In that way Serbia, by networking with European and international community, ensures recognition, acceptance and adoption of requirement conformity assessment for our products in a cross-frontier setting.

Having in mind the extreme importance of this topic for agriculture & food industry we hereby invite the representatives of those companies that are interested in attending this gathering in order to announce their presence by Friday 9th May 2008 at the following e-mail address:
Contact person is: Sandra Arsenović, an Adviser with the Accreditation Board of Serbia, 2 Mihailo Pupin Boulevard, phone: 011 3130373, 064 8872825, fax: 011 3130374.
A round-table discussion will be held on Wednesday 14th May 2008 at the Master Congress Centre of Novi Sad Fair, 11 Hajduk Veljkova Street, Novi Sad, and will start at 10 a.m., registration for participants is from 9 a.m. to 9.55 a.m. at the registration stand in the entrance hall of the Master Centre.
Note: announcement of the presence is mandatory since passes for the Master Centre must be provided.

Seminar Programme:
9.00 – 9.55  registration of the delegates in the entrance hall of the Master Centre, 11 Hajduk Veljkova Street, Novi Sad 
Main Hall of the Master Centre
10.00 – 10.30  - opening address and opening of the round-table discussion
                   - opening address of the representative of the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Chamber of Commerce of Serbia and Novi Sad Fair
                          - opening address of the Director of the Accreditation Board of Serbia, Dr Dejan Krnjaić
10.30 – 12.30  - lectures
10.30 – 11.10 - Lorenzo Thione, President of the European Cooperation for Accreditation, lecture on the subject of “Quality in Agriculture & Food Sector – Current Situation and Prospects”                   
11.10 – 11.50 - David Galsworty, Central Science Laboratory York, United Kingdom, lecture on the subject of “Accreditation of Food Laboratories in the UK and EU”
11.50 – 12.30 - Silvia Santolalla and Jorge Portu Reinares, representatives of the regional Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Rural Development of the La Rioja Government, Spain, lecture on the subject of “Control and Certification Systems for Provenance Products”
12.30 - 13.00 Hall 5 at the Master Centre
                         Press Conference (during lunch break)
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 - Dr Dejan Krnjaić, Director of the Accreditation Board of Serbia, a lecture on the subject of “Accreditation Striving to Protect Public Interests, General Health, Consumer Safety and Protection”
                         - Dragan Pušara, MSc, Deputy Director of the Accreditation Board of Serbia, a lecture on the subject of “Accreditation – Transition of Responsibilities in Food Production.”
                    - Vida Živković, MSc, Assistant Director for Accreditation Issues with the Accreditation Board of Serbia, a lecture on the subject of “ATS – Our Experience and Future Activities in the Field of Food Quality and Safety”
15.00 – 15.15 – Coffee Break
15.15 – 16.00 - Discussion